Total Lifetime Ad Stats

2,095,940 total ad clicks and 224,846,915 ads shown.
468 BANNER549,47756,101,672
125 BANNER503,21991,613,142
600 BANNER276,9227,012,699

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Highest Level Members Rewarded with In-Line Referrals!

Yes!  State-Of-The-Art-Mailer
Rewards Viralist (highest level) members!


When you Upgrade to Viralist Member at 
you are placed in the
In-Line Random Referral System.

What is this system?

Each Viralist Member is placed in our system to receive a 
when they are next in-line to do so.

No more random referrals...
but an In-Line system that makes sure
all valued Viralist Members are getting referrals equally.

Over time, as these referrals come in,
you could be getting paying members that
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This is yet another benefit of the Viralist Upgrade.

As a Viralist Member at State-Of-The-Art-Mailer...
I Email 30,000 every 3 days,

I Get 553 Clicks per email sent,
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Click Link Below to Join

Rich Moyer

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Your Ad Here As Low As $1.50 For 2,500 Views

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From the Desk of Dave Mosher,

If you're familiar with, then you know that I'm great at helping internet marketers generate alot of web traffic for a reasonable price. Now I'm proud to introduce my newest traffic website At you can grab 25,000 website views for as little as $14.97. Plus I've put together an amazing deal inside the members area where you can get an all inclusive ad-pack every month for one low monthly price.

I place advertisements at hundreds of websites everyday that generate massive exposure, now you can become a part of it and get your offer seen, and I do all the work. Every time someone views this page, every ad rotates to give all member ads a chance to be seen. In the Member's Area, you'll be able to see the statistics of your ads, showing you how many views and how many clicks your ad received.

Affiliate/Referral Commissions:

Whether you buy an ad, a Monthly Ad-Pack, or just want to be a FREE Affiliate, you'll earn 50% Referral Commissions every time your Referrals buy advertising. MINIMUM Cashout Request is only $20.00.